Finding your customer’s pain points is crucial in understanding how to structure your sales pitch. Knowing what your customers struggle with on a daily basis and what causes their job to be difficult could be your ticket to winning or losing deals.
Being able to solve a customer’s pain points can be the most influential driving force behind their decision to purchase your product or service.
When identifying a customer’s pain point, you’re identifying the trigger that is causing them to seek out your solution. Knowing that trigger, the thing that is causing the pain and frustration will help you articulate the value of your solutions.
Understanding your customer\’s pain points, could help you identify their barriers they are experiencing. To get to the bottom of any company’s pain points, reps need to ask insightful questions to help them get a deeper, broader view of the customer’s business. Learning to recognize pain points by asking questions and listening is an important skill for successful sales reps. Listed below are a few sample questions:
▪ What problem does your product or service address?
▪ How do they perceive themselves?
▪ What is the true source of their pain?
▪ Who sees the most value in having that pain removed?
▪ Who will be the decision makers?
Salespeople who are able to act as that guide, asking questions and diagnosing pain are usually the ones who have the customer knowledge, not just product knowledge.
Just remember customers are people. They appreciate the world through their experiences. They can sense what challenges or what bothers them, but they often can’t visualize a solution for their pains.
So look for the pain. Think of things that people find frustrating urgent or even uncomfortable. Then, with the pain clearly recognized and in mind, switch gears and develop cures. Focus on healing. Let that be your guide as you try to invent a venture the will make their pain go away.