You’ll find no shortage of praise for how Salesforce handles company management and growth. It’s an incredibly powerful tool, one that our platform is often used in conjunction with for optimal sales results. However, a problem that many CRMs struggle with is making their content accessible to their sales teams. Salesforce is no different in that regard. Without designated tools capable of leveraging the full extent of Salesforce’s library, your sales teams are stuck overworking to deliver on the most basic of projects and closed deals. Your company needs the best sales enablement integrations for Salesforce, allowing your CRM to work for you rather than against you.
HeyBuddy does more to bring the best out of Salesforce than any other content delivery platform available on the market. Seamless integration, combined with a customizable interface dedicated to the intuitive design and powerful tools for streamlining the sales process, makes our platform accessible and easy to use with minimal training.
How Does HeyBuddy Improve Salesforce?
A reliable CRM like Salesforce has done a lot of work to bring your company up to the competitive stage by managing customer data, compiling high-value insights and reports, storing your complete content portfolio, predicting prospect trends, analytics, and more. It’s a tool with many functions, and it allows sales representatives to accurately monitor, track, and adapt sales practices to suit the needs and expectations of their target audience.
CRMs are invaluable tools for businesses as a whole, but their impact on the sales side of the corporate environment can be lackluster. Sales representatives are effective because they connect with people on a meaningful, personal level, translating the administrative jargon of the numbers, features, and benefits available from your company’s offerings into a language that prospects can appreciate. Salesforce, however, isn’t exactly designed with flexibility in mind, with a lot of its design lending itself to inconvenience and awkward usage. HeyBuddy is used to create a channel between everything your CRM offers directly to the hands of your sales representatives.
More Time Focusing on the Sales Cycle
Salesforce provides methods for reducing time spent on data entry, collection, and implementation, but its automation capacities fall short of what’s needed to streamline the sales experience. HeyBuddy includes tracking algorithms built into its interface for following along with your sales representatives during their presentations. Keeping tabs on movement, data, sharing, and other pertinent information, HeyBuddy then automates data entry and uploads all valuable information directly to your CRM after the meeting is complete. Even if you’re offline, all our app needs is a suitable connection, and it’s back on track.
Flexibility for Any Environment
If you didn’t already catch on, HeyBuddy emphasizes adaptability and flexible utility. It’s the ideal tool for outside sales reps, giving them full access to presentation capability and CRM data whether they’re building their presentation from scratch in the office or modifying it en route to the meeting. With built-in communication and collaboration channels, such as dedicated direct messaging and communal documentation spaces, your sales reps are freely available to work as a team for responsive, tailored pitches easily changed to incorporate the latest information, insights, and data.
HeyBuddy is the best sales enablement integration for Salesforce because it’s customizable. We mean it’s customizable in virtually every aspect of its design, a feature that’s sorely needed to make Salesforce accessible for each sales team. If you’re interested in utilizing our services, call us at 610-898-1330 or visit our website to learn more.