Thanks to technology, your prospects don’t need you to provide basic product information. They can find it themselves. What they want from you is to know how your product will help make their lives easier. So, what can you do to make your presentations more compelling? Try HeyBuddy, one of the best tools available for sales reps.
HeyBuddy, our extremely versatile content sharing app, is designed to help you create better, more informative presentations that demonstrate your products and services and illustrate their potential value to your customer.
Why Choose HeyBuddy?
CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) systems are at the heart of most organizations, but they are underutilized. Entering data can be too time-consuming. they are rarely user-friendly, and it can be mind-boggling to figure out how they work.
Since we discovered that these systems are underutilized and inefficient, we designed an innovative yet super simple and friendly app that can seamlessly connect all of your organization’s content into one branded interface to help improve communications and collaboration.
Other HeyBuddy advantages include:
- Intuitive and easy to use
- Customizable to fit your brand
- Compatible with any device
- Works online and offline
- Puts all the content you need at your fingertips
- Setup consistent sales presentation materials for your team
- Routes sales activity through Salesforce or another CRM
- Manage clients and capture information while in the field
- Track project performance over time
- Collaborate and share important insights internally
- Reduces meeting preparation and follow up
- Reduces training expenses
Stop Preparing to Sell and Actually Sell!
Market research firm International Data Corporation studied the habits of sales professionals and concluded that they spend almost 40% of their potential selling time preparing to sell.
In a typical 40-hour week, 2.3 hours were spent looking for content to use, 5.8 hours were spent searching for information on customers, and 6.4 hours were spent building presentations from scratch. This left only 25.5 hours of actual selling time per week.
HeyBuddy is a game changer! The app creates an easy way for teams to access all the systems they depend on daily, while enabling them to close 50% faster, cut prep and follow-up time in half, and get two more hours per day in front of the customer.
The team behind HeyBuddy has delivered top-level design and app development services to Fortune 50 – 500 companies for more than 20 years. Now, we have created the easiest and friendliest app to present, share, and track your organization’s content
Now is the perfect time to equip your sales reps with HeyBuddy, one of the best tools for increasing selling time and improving organizational skills and productivity. To learn more about this innovative app, click here to contact us online.