Managing your company’s content isn’t easy work. Keep in mind that you’re contending with an entire library of digital assets, as well as selections of media with your CRM such as videos, brochures, case studies, company insights, and more. Any architecture of considerable size is a challenge to manage without dedicated solutions to address it. Content management solutions for sales teams are there to incentivize productivity, providing a means to create, store, edit, share, deliver, organize, optimize, and manage approved content contained within your company’s infrastructure.
The point of a solution like this is to help your sales teams. The main goal is to take a complex structure and simplify it through a user-friendly interface, collating massive amounts of assets onto a single screen that’s easy to find, access, and deploy as needed. HeyBuddy abides by a simple concept: make content friendly. The best way to enhance your sales teams’ performance is by providing them with the type of sales enablement tools that automate work processes while allowing them to leverage the full scope of your CRM, third-party apps, and collaborative channels for project development.
Using HeyBuddy to Optimize the Sales Process
There are a few things that content management platforms are used for. Obviously, you have content management, which provides a vital outlet for organizing, managing, creating, sharing, optimizing, and developing content for company use, but a good content management solution does more than collect and store assets. HeyBuddy isn’t an all-in-one tool, but it specializes in solving core problems that sales reps face on a daily basis.
Centralize Content
As companies grow, their assets, tools, and relevant resources expand and broaden to meet market demands. The resulting meshwork of apps and sales collateral is decentralized, making it difficult for sales representatives to retrieve what they need at a convenient pace. HeyBuddy bundles all your company assets under one roof, including digital assets, third-party applications, CRM insights and data, your content library, and more. Centralization lends itself to accessibility.
Collaborative and Communication Channels
Sales work is rarely a solo job. Leveraging the expertise of your fellow team members creates a stronger pitch. HeyBuddy provides a communicative and collaborative channel structure on its app for easy connections between coworkers. This includes push notifications, chat rooms, direct messaging, and more.
Automated Workflow
Content management is a lengthy and difficult prospect on its own if done entirely manually. Using tracking technology and offline functionality, HeyBuddy works with your sales reps to keep your content effectively managed, updated, and accessible from any location. All data entry, as well as analytics and valuable insights that can be used for sales work, are updated through an automatic workflow process when your device connects to the internet, ensuring you have the latest data for follow ups, tweaks to your presentation, and content creation.
CRM Integration
HeyBuddy syncs with your CRM, which is the primary source of its functionality. Rather than being forced to contend with bulky layouts and awkward interface, HeyBuddy provides direct access to your CRM content with an intuitive platform layout. Finding what you need when you need it is easier when content is brought to you via HeyBuddy.
These are only a couple of content management solutions for sales teams. HeyBuddy is capable of a whole lot more. If you’re interested in utilizing our services, call us at 610-898-1330 or visit our website to learn more.