Sales teams have pioneered the use of mobile sales tools, and iPad apps are changing the sales landscape. If your company uses Salesforce, has outside sales reps, stores documents in Salesforce Content and needs a way to present them in the field, HeyBuddy is the right sales presentation app for your team. With HeyBuddy, you no longer have to limit your team’s presentation materials to text-based documents and PowerPoint slides. Keep your clients and prospects engaged with a variety of different content. Even videos and large product views work beautifully without having to download each one or wait for buffering to finish. Your sales team will thank you.
Boost Sales Productivity with HeyBuddy
Too little face time. According to research by Gartner, salespeople spend less than 40% of their time selling. At least 60% of their time is spent gathering the information they need for their presentations. This leaves little time for face time with customers and prospects. How can you grow your business if your sales reps don’t have time to make sales? Solution: HeyBuddy is a must-have interactive mobile sales presentation app that’s iOS and Windows compatible. Download and setup is a snap. Organize your essential presentation files in Salesforce Content, build the presentation you want them to use, sync up the app, and send your team on the road equipped to close deals. Too many manual processes. Manual quote/ approval and performance/feedback processes are inefficient and can be huge productivity killers, making it difficult for your sales team to accomplish its goals. Solution: HeyBuddy routes all sales activity through the Salesforce CRM. As they tap through the app in their sales meetings, your reps populate Salesforce, providing you with dashboards, reports, and analytics to track against goals and make qualified decisions. Monitor your team’s sales effectiveness and track what works (and what doesn’t) by salesperson, product or region. Too much paper. No one loves to lug around cases of brochures and other printed material from meeting to meeting, not to mention that printing is expensive. It’s also a challenge to make sure your team always hands out up to date product information. Solution: Reduce your costs for printing and shipping sales materials by making the content digitally available to sales reps on their HeyBuddy app. When changes need to be made to the content, updates are instantly distributed to the team. Too little training. Most people aren’t born with sales skills; they take time to develop. Sales reps need to hone their skills through consistent sales training. When you leave them to their own devices, the results may be less than you hoped for. Solution: HeyBuddy keeps your training costs to a minimum because sales materials are always consistent and well-organized. Each presentation is recorded and logged in HeyBuddy. Your reps can save them, package them, and send them to prospects for follow-up. And your teams can easily share tips and techniques on closed/won deals with each other. Equip your outside sales reps with iPad apps to make them more organized and more productive. HeyBuddy is intuitive, easy to use, and designed to dramatically increase selling time. To learn more about this innovative app, call us at 610-898-1330 or click below to get started.
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