Streamlining the sales process requires every function working in tandem like clockwork. From lead generation to closing the deal, your sales representatives are absorbed in an active endeavor to endear prospects and turn them into partners. Finding the means to optimize the process are all centered around enabling your workforce to be as courteous, responsive, and convincing as possible. After all, sales is a game of personas, and the only way you’ll be able to sell your services as a company is if you empower your sales reps through powerful resources, such as sales presentation mobile apps.
Despite the leaps and bounds in technological growth and innovation, there’s never going to be a comparable substitute for a face-to-face sales pitch. Prospects listen to and respect the person in the flesh with no screen separating representative and audience. Companies will always make space for talented sales workers, and leveraging the right gear to provide effective sales enablement is critical. HeyBuddy helps your sales team master the art of the presentation, make it shareable, transferable, convenient, and seamless.
Consolidation Takes Priority
One of the greatest advantages provided by the modern digital age is the versatility of mobile devices. A smartphone contains all the functionality of what would fill a small room in the 70’s and then some. When you account for our ability to utilize one of the most powerful resources in the history of the world – i.e. the internet – from a device that fits in our pockets, then it’s easy to see why there’s never been a better time to be a sales representative than now.
The thing is, we’re still getting there. It’s hard to shake old traditions, like lugging around briefcases full of important documents or artificially limiting the resources you have access to once you’re ready to deliver your presentation. The use of tablets for sealing the deal can carry a huge impact on the quality of your pitch, but it’s only possible when you’re using the right apps to supplement your work.
It’s time to upgrade. HeyBuddy is a mobile app that’s designed to bring everything you need for a powerful presentation into a user-friendly interface. No more endless papers, no more quickly jotted and forgotten notes – trading in your binder for the functionality of HeyBuddy’s mobile device utility saves you time, money, and energy while helping you deliver stunning, memorable presentations.
Sales Presentation Editing and Sharing
First and foremost, you can create the entirety of your presentation on the HeyBuddy platform. While that much is a given, the innovation lies in how you’re able to manage your slideshow once you’re out of the office. HeyBuddy bundles your entire presentation into a .pdf, allowing you to edit it on the road and include important details that enable your sales representatives to adapt their pitches on the fly.
HeyBuddy cuts lengthy meeting times in half, automatically updates your CRM with pertinent information gathered through activity tracking, and tailors your comprehensive product experience to directly address your prospects’ needs, goals, and desires.
At the end of the day, you’re dealing with people. Motivations between any given client are unique and varied, which is why being able to adjust your approach at your leisure is vital for closing the deal. A mobile app sales presentation makes it easy to curate a relevant pitch, allowing you to readily share content, review facts and figures, and organize insights for follow up later. If you’re interested in utilizing our services, call us at 610-898-1330 or visit our website to learn more.