As soon as researching, generating leads, or building exceptional presentations becomes inundated with difficulty, engagement drops. Sales engagement tools like HeyBuddy are intended to expedite that process, providing the support and access needed to assist your sales representatives in attaining significant levels of engagement in all forms of work they do.
Engagement can take a lot of different forms. Engaging with your sales team on a personal level, sales representative engaging with their work and the company culture, engaging with prospects and building a connection with them – the fundamental act of making meaningful connections relies on implementing a concerted effort.
If every step is a slog, employees lose their motivation to perform to the highest of their ability. As a result, pride in their accomplishments falls, the quality of work dips, and an employee’s quality of life and enjoyment in working with your company suffers as a result.
Satisfying a Higher Degree of Personalization
You can’t really make a decent pitch if you don’t know your audience. Spending time researching, understanding, and learning about any given prospect is a given when building a presentation, but developing a genuine rapport takes something a little more than just technology. It’s a skill you either learn or have a natural tendency for.
Most of the time, not even your prospects know what exactly they’d like to get out of your product. Recalling that sort of information off the top of the dome isn’t always something you can expect on a first meeting. At this point, it becomes less about what your sales reps know about them, and more about what questions to ask to uncover those insights. These questions might include:
- Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
- How long have you been working with this issue? What has it cost your company?
- What past solutions have you tried, and how did they affect your company?
- What would happen if you left things as they are currently without implementing a solution?
- How does this decision affect you personally? How does it make you feel?
- What can I do, during this decision-making process, to address your problems and help you come to a solution?
Engaging with a prospect is a process that’s mutually beneficial. You’re learning about if they’re qualified, what steps they’ve taken in the past, how their company functions, and so on. With every enlightening question asked, you’re constructing a clearer image of how you can help their company as well as establishing a stronger personal connection.
Leveraging HeyBuddy for Better Connections
Accessibility is the key component in utilizing HeyBuddy to its fullest. HeyBuddy syncs with your CRM, allowing you to easily prepare in advance for meeting with a prospect and brush up on your knowledge, as well as providing automated updates to your database during the day to save time. By enabling your sales reps’ ability to source, deliver, and disseminate information at their leisure, you’re providing the means for them to fully embrace their work.
Without effective engagement on all company levels, there’s no adequate involvement in supporting your sales reps’ personal goals, workflow, or investment in your company’s future. With a little help from a sales engagement tool like HeyBuddy, you can bring your workforce a little closer together. If you’re interested in utilizing our services, call us at 610-898-1330 or visit our website to learn more.