Could your organization use innovative sales optimization software that helps improve productivity and increase revenue? HeyBuddy can help you manage your sales pipeline, get the analytics you need, streamline your workflows to follow up with prospects, and increase conversions. Modernize your selling process by adopting a mobile sales enablement tool that provides a single, easy-to-manage, centralized repository for all your branded content, and integrates seamlessly with your existing CRM. HeyBuddy enables you to keep your most up-to-date sales tools in front of your team at all times and provides you with actionable insight into their activities. It provides all the functionality you need to keep your content controlled in one place, eliminating inefficiency, keeping conversations and presentations on point, and accelerating conversions. The workflow app works on all devices, does not require Wi-Fi, and can be set up in minutes. Easily locate and load your essential presentation files with the touch of a button, sync up your iPad or tablet, and start selling.
Captivate Your Audience
Here are a few of the ways to use HeyBuddy to improve your performance:
- Make them want to hear more. Overcome monotony by quickly providing your audience with something of value for the time they’ve invested to listen to your pitch. Use HeyBuddy to access and present a customized presentation that tells an interesting story about your brand, or addresses a specific problem the prospect is facing, and convince them that you have the best solution.
- Prepare more than one opening. It’s not unusual for people to arrive late for meetings. To avoid stopping to bring them up to speed each time, use HeyBuddy to create two different short opening presentations. Or create one for executives to illustrate the high-level benefits you have to offer and another to show end-users how your products or services can improve their job performance.
- Keep it fresh. Expect your client or prospect to know about your company before you arrive. Be prepared to present them with informative case studies and success stories that will capture their attention. Spread these things throughout your presentation to build credibility and pass along fresh information they may not find elsewhere.
- Prepare a strong closing. Most sales presentations close with a comment like, “Well, if no one else has any questions, we can wrap this up.” Present a stronger closing. Ask for specific questions that you can answer with the content at your fingertips using HeyBuddy. Summarize the value of the benefits you addressed in your presentation, and explain what you would like them to do next.
- Follow up. Decision makers are busy, and sales are easy to lose when the rep fails to follow up properly after a meeting. With HeyBuddy, each presentation is recorded and logged. Simply save it and send it off to the prospect with the touch of a button for quick follow-up.
HeyBuddy provides everything your team needs to get more organized and deliver awesome presentations. To learn more, give the HeyBuddy team a call at 610-898-1330, or click the button below to get started.
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