Looking for efficient and effective sales presentation tools? HeyBuddy can help you leverage a potentially narrow window of opportunity and engage buyers with more compelling content. The sales presentation app is compatible with any device and takes just minutes to set up with either our easy-to-install themes or custom branded themes created by your design team. Use content from your own CRM, including documents, PDFs, images, videos, and even music, to quickly build presentations that best showcase your products or services. Sales reps simply sync the app to their iPads and head into the field with everything they need to sell effectively. Your team will appreciate not having to waste time making presentations from scratch before every meeting. And the skills required to build and maintain HeyBuddy are similar to sending an email with attachments.
How HeyBuddy Can Help Boost Your Sales
Is there anything worse than facing a room full of prospects and boring them to tears with a monotonous PowerPoint presentation? Here are a few of the ways HeyBuddy can improve your performance and captivate your audience: Here are some ways to use HeyBuddy to improve your performance:
- Inspire your audience. The biggest hurdle will be keeping your audience from losing interest. Overcome it by quickly providing them with something of value for the time they’re spending to listen to your pitch. Use HeyBuddy to access and present a sales package you’ve customized in your CRM that tells an interesting story about your brand, or addresses a specific problem they’re facing, and assure them that you have the best solution. Keep their attention by making them want to hear more.
- Prepare different openings. If you think you might encounter meeting stragglers and want to avoid stopping to bring them up to speed each time, use HeyBuddy to create two different short openings. Or create one opening directed at executives to illustrate the high-level benefits you have to offer and another to show end-users how your products or services can improve their job performance.
- Keep it fresh. Expect your client or prospect to Google your company ahead of time. Avoid rehashing the information they’ll already know by the time you arrive. Load content from any RM with informative case studies and success stories that will capture their attention. Spread these things throughout your presentation to build credibility and pass on fresh information.
- Close strong. Most sales presentations close with a statement like, “Well, if no one else has any questions, we can wrap this up.” Use HeyBuddy to present a stronger closing that leaves them wanting more. Summarize the value of the benefits you addressed in your presentation, and explain what you would like them to do next.
There may not be one perfect solution that serves all sales teams, but innovative sales presentation tools like HeyBuddy will ensure that your brand is being represented in a visually-stimulating, elegant way. The app provides everything your team needs to deliver awesome presentations. To learn more, give us a call at 610-898-1330, or get started by clicking the button below.
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