The onboarding process is one of the most critical legs of every employee’s beginning at your company. It’s where they’re given their first experience of how your company functions, what their responsibilities will be, where they will fit in on the team, and help define their overall experience as a member of your team. Onboarding is the difference between a mediocre employee and an outstanding one. By using a Salesforce enabled training app, effective onboarding becomes more attainable.
An employee’s training, especially in the beginning months since starting, has a long-standing impact on their overall performance as an individual, a member of their team, and their own initiative as an employee. Someone who doesn’t understand how your systems work or who to speak with for guidance cannot function in an environment that did not take the time and effort to incorporate them into the fabric of your organization. HeyBuddy’s extensive features help pave the way for your new hires to succeed in their field.
Creating Meaningful Connections
Most turnover rates result from an employee being unwittingly segregated from their coworkers. If you don’t take the time to incorporate new individuals, including training and resources to help them integrate into the company culture, the likelihood that their ability to perform well drops. Unintentional disconnect from your peers leads to immense amounts of dissatisfaction, stress, and frustration, leading to poor performance and the loss of a valuable member of your team.
Strong onboarding practices are just as much about accepting your employees into your company as it is learning about how your company operations function. HeyBuddy provides and incentivizes communication within teams, cementing mutual support as an accessible factor for all members of the team. With multiple channels for communication and collaboration, new hires can be included as an accepted part of your company culture, streamlining adoption and training.
Centralizing Content
Given the massive amount of policies, strategies, applications, and processes that’s in circulation within your company, teaching them as a part of onboarding can take the most time out of the process. Centralization helps ensure that everything that’s needed to make their job easier is present in an intuitive, user-friendly interface.
Through collaboration, attention, and guidance, the overwhelming first few days can be less oppressive than other methods might allow. Centralization and simplification of complex processes helps avoid driving away your talent, leading to employee retention and better work practices.
Accessibility to Information
Here’s where Salesforce really comes into play. Learning how to use Salesforce to its full capability in its raw form can take anywhere between months to years for an individual to master. As useful a tool as it is, it struggles with its own bulkiness and tends to bury its best features beneath an overly complex infrastructure.
HeyBuddy cuts through the obscurity of the network, allowing your employees to easily and readily access the full volume of data contained within your database on all relevant subjects. Not being forced to scrounge and scrape for actionable intel for each project makes content friendly, a welcome sight for anyone new to the team.
A Salesforce enabled training app is essential for providing the safety net and support new hires need to thrive in a new environment. If you’re interested in utilizing our services, call us at 610-898-1330 or visit our website to learn more.