Tools for sales teams need to deliver the right content when it’s needed. In the course of the average sales cycle, giving your sales representatives the resources necessary for crafting high-impact sales presentations and streamline rote practices serves as the critical lynchpin that turns what would otherwise take hours of work into minutes. The applications, content library, and vast wealth of resources at your disposal are there to make the lives of your sales teams easier. Offering them the methods capable of leveraging all of your company’s content, services, and databases should be a top priority.
The struggle with supplying sales reps with relevant content has always been a struggle. HeyBuddy, our content delivery platform designed to make content friendly and accessible, is the solution. Rather than be just a third-party platform that adds another list of clunky tools and limited utility to your repertoire, HeyBuddy curates a centralized interface where everything your sales reps need can be located, shared, and distributed from any company device. Installation is easy, and within minutes your teams have access to secure collaboration channels, dedicated communication networks, and the entirety of your CRM’s database is available at the push of a button.
Cracking the CRM Iceberg
A CRM functions as a massive, single contact point that stores the entirety of your company’s data about customers, clients, brands, environments, and target audiences. It provides you with the power to manage the full scope of your relationships with your prospects, collecting data through analytics, research, and interaction to form a cohesive database filled with the most helpful content and information your organization possesses.
The problem is: CRMs are big. So big that most of their content is buried and lost to the average sales rep, hence the term “iceberg.” What’s readily available is only a fraction of what’s contained within.
As a CRM continues to accumulate content, your sales representatives will be forced into an unpleasant situation where they won’t find the sales enablement they need to thrive. Giving your teams the tools and resources they need to increase profit margins through closed deals and accelerated productivity rates can only be done when content that already exists can be shared, edited, and presented seamlessly from CRM to screen. So long as there’s no direct conduit that facilitates simplified CRM usage, sales reps will rely on old, familiar content or repeatedly make content that already exists within your database. Inefficiency is an iron ball around your sales department’s ankle.
HeyBuddy’s utility as a content delivery platform cuts through the complex infrastructure of your CRM, using AI-driven search engines, extensive tracking algorithms, and a customizable and intuitive interface to streamline procurement and input of high-relevant data and content.
Our app functions like a scalpel, carving into your CRM’s database and creating a bridge that allows you to seamlessly edit, share, deliver, and produce impactful content. Doing so brings the sales process to a new level, enabling sales reps to craft tailored presentations based on market data, customer insights, in-depth analytics, and advanced reporting, keeping their projects up-to-date and resonant.
Obtaining approved sales collateral that’s organized through HeyBuddy’s personalized interface cuts hours of work out of your sales teams’ schedules. Sales enablement means making your sales reps’ jobs more manageable, and no content delivery tool for sales teams does that better than HeyBuddy. If you’re interested in utilizing our services, call us at 610-898-1330 or visit our website to learn more.