Some of the greatest steps in innovation also happen to be the simplest. Common sense solutions tend to go under the radar in lieu of fancier and flashier additions to your company’s infrastructure. However, just because something is larger and more expensive doesn’t mean it can rewrite your entire sales cycle. Tools to boost sales productivity come in all different forms and figures, but the best ones treat the fundamentals as the most important aspects of your workforce’s effectiveness. Addressing the common denominator and using sales enablement practices with the right platform does wonders for your ROI.
Working with HeyBuddy provides your sales department with an assortment of options for improving their productivity, all of which boils down to a fairly basic concept: make their jobs easier. That means workflow automation, automatic data entry, and an intuitive sales content management system that helps bring relevant, high value material to the forefront where it can be leveraged more easily. Accessibility, especially when in reference to CRM architecture, is what HeyBuddy does best for empowering your teams to do their best work.
What HeyBuddy Offers
While HeyBuddy isn’t a silver bullet for all your organizational pain points, it leaves an impact where it counts. Helping your sales representatives succeed by equipping them with the tools they need to cut prep time in half, focus on sales work, close more deals, and follow up on leads enhances regular work processes by driving efficiency and sales cycles. You need to get a lot of work done, and HeyBuddy provides the means as a productivity platform to get it done.
Centralized Content Management
Every pitch made needs to use consistent, approved content stocked by your company’s CRM. Over time, you’ve developed a catalogue of compelling material, such as videos, graphics, data, use cases, case studies, testimonials, and more, that assist in driving points home. Without HeyBuddy providing keen assistance in centralizing this content, most of it ends up buried deep within your CRM or other storage areas, far from where they’ll be easily found and used.
Without your catalogue to pull from, the workload for your sales reps is doubled. They’re forced to continually create their own sales collateral, burning time when there are other approved selections that serve the same purpose. HeyBuddy ensures everything is accessible, resulting in improved productivity, better time management, increased content adoption, more lead conversions, and so on.
Enhanced Collaboration
Centralized content is the start, but HeyBuddy adds extra assistance from there. Since HeyBuddy is easily downloadable onto every mobile device used by your company, that means collaboration efforts are streamlined through an intuitive interface. With all your content at your fingertips, including your pitches, presentations, supporting graphics, data, and so on, your teams can share and collaborate across all your company’s systems, providing a fully integrated solution.
Better Communication
Direct messaging, push notifications, communications channels, and more are available through HeyBuddy. Not only that, with our simplified third-party app integration, ensuring your already in-use communication platforms can be accessed through HeyBuddy helps keep all communication operating on the same page. Combined with CRM integration, which helps feed content where you need it, keeping your sales teams close knit is easier than ever.
HeyBuddy as a tool to boost sales productivity focuses on the base fundamentals that make sales work in the first place: sales enablement, communication, collaboration, access, etc. Sometimes, the most obvious solution is the best. If you’re interested in utilizing our services, call us at 610-898-1330 or visit our website to learn more.