Interactive sales tools like HeyBuddy eliminate the need to build presentations from scratch, a process that’s a burden for sales reps and prone to errors. Leverage your Salesforce Content library and give your reps the tools they need to stand out from the competition. HeyBuddy is a must-have interactive mobile sales aid that works on all CRMs. What makes this mobile sales presentation app unique is its ability to supply your salespeople with well-organized, up-to-date materials instead of letting them loose to create presentations on their own. Choose from our pre-built, easy-to-install themes or have your designers easily customize the app to suit your brand. Load your content with documents, videos, animated demos, and other engaging materials you want your team to use in the field. Have them sync up their devices and everything they need will be at their fingertips.
Be Creative
It’s not easy to impress prospects and clients with PowerPoint presentations these days. They’ve seen them a million times. Videos and large product views that showcase your products work beautifully in HeyBuddy, and you won’t have to download each one or wait for buffering to finish. Because fresh material is always available in HeyBuddy, sales reps can let the customer drive the flow of the conversation. Find a specific piece of content or case study precisely when you need it to make a point or answer a question.
Work Anywhere
One great feature of HeyBuddy is that it’s designed to run offline and online! Have you ever lost your mobile connection right in the middle of your pitch? Frustrating? Yes. When you’re running business-critical apps, such as your sales presentation tools, losing a connection at the wrong time can be catastrophic. With HeyBuddy your team can do business anywhere, at any time, and never lose the ability to work. When you add updated materials to HeyBuddy, they will need an Internet connection to sync, but this can be done when convenient.
Maintain Accountability
As your reps tap through a HeyBuddy presentation, their activity is tracked in Salesforce. Analytical data is sent back to sales managers, allowing them to review how the team is performing. Reports reflect updates across your whole team, wherever they are. When are your reps presenting content, and to whom? What content are they using most often, or not at all? Understand how the presentation is performing, and fine-tune it for future meetings. Change presentations as often as you like and disable access to materials that no longer match your brand strategy. No more mistakes from the field. As you evaluate apps that can help you sell better, consider the easy-to-use, intuitive HeyBuddy. This mobile sales solution will improve the experience throughout your entire sales funnel and is a game changer when it comes to closing deals! Reach out to the awesome HeyBuddy team today for a quick demo that will show you how our interactive sales tools can revolutionize the way you do business. Call us today at 610-898-1330 for a free trial or click below to get started.
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