Providing good service has never been harder. Meeting rising customer expectations requires companies focus on building the capabilities their people need to make full use of their talents.
Service expectations are only rising: technological changes and access to data have made customers better informed and more demanding than ever, while the rise of social media gives them more power to publicize their experiences making each customer interaction even more important.
As organizations get larger, the sheer number of customer interactions becomes a disadvantage in that the risk of a customer experience problem increases. There is a strong focus on customer service skill development at all levels, which is an integral part of how businesses operate. Large organizations that have dramatically accelerated have integrated four success factors, which together support the transformation and the organization’s continued progress in their improvement plans.
1. Engage all levels of the organization
Too often, leaders assume that skill gaps matter only at the front line. But in fact, it is at every level, all the way to the executive suite. Role modeling is critical to sustain in any organizational change, a clear example from the top is usually the most important success factor in a organization change effort. Organizational engagement processes also help create a thriving, high-performance culture with all employees operating at their best from top to bottom which is an very important benefit.
2. Create a culture of pride
The best programs communicate a well-defined value proposition that encompasses each level of the organization and reaches well beyond promises of career advancement. For buy-in from employees, they must see it as representing an opportunity for the future rather than a critique of past practices. Providing your employees with the support they need, such as timely communication and the best tools and work environment, to do their jobs. Doing so goes a long way.
3. Offer a range of educational opportunities
There’s no question that the right educational opportunity can set anyone up for success. In fact, many employers are increasing offers for various kinds of educational benefits to their employees, which in many cases can be used to pursue online degrees. Organizations still offer the traditional corporate training programs by classroom and online learnings. Disseminating options across an organization is critical to improving performance, but nonprofits struggle to implement organizational learning and make it a priority.
4. Organizational & Human Resource Development
The final step is to embed development building in HR processes so that they become part of the organization’s culture. Organization development is the planned process of developing an organization to be more effective in accomplishing its desired goals. It is distinguished from human resource development in that HRD focuses on the personal growth of individuals within organizations, while OD focuses on developing the structures, systems, and processes within the organization to improve organizational effectiveness.