We’re all aware content without access is worthless, on average 65% of content is unused mostly because the content is not findable or relevant. Some studies claim that salespeople end up spending 30% creating their own content themselves because they simply can’t find the right content even if it exists somewhere in a file. A salesperson just needs to have access to the right content from a browser-based access point. Ultimately at the end of the day, this issue leads to a disconnect between sales and marketing teams.
There is a general perception that content creators are spending time and money on creating content being put to use while sales people\’s time is used on searching and curating content when they’re supposed to be focused on closing the deals. This is partially correct, but there is a missing piece of the puzzle that drives the misalignment between the teams. The missing piece would be that the sales team should share more specifics and in-depth insight with their counterparts in marketing, and have the marketing team take more time to listen to those insights in an effort to develop the sales information into marketing content. Developing sales content without involving sales just sets the content up to fail. Given $.25 of every dollar spent on content marketing in the average mid-to-large B2B firm is wasted on inefficient content operations, marketing and sales need to work on sales content development together.
According to a Hubspot survey, 44% of respondents say Marketing and Sales are generally aligned, while 22% indicate there’s a formal service level agreement in place between teams. HubSpot has conducted annual market research for eight consecutive years, and this year they concluded that marketing respondents whose organizations have an SLA in place are 3x more likely to say their strategy is effective compared to those in misaligned organizations.
Due to the advanced improvements in the artificial intelligence area, digital content management solutions are getting smarter to help salespeople pinpoint the right content for the right time. Sales content management solution providers are improving their platforms’ content repository functions and enhancing their analytics base. HeyBuddy, for instance, leverages the talented creative service teams to customize the perfect design that reflects a company’s brand and objectives, and create the sales and marketing content.