The next development in modern sales practice isn’t to resort to more refined versions of the traditional sales process. As technology becomes more tightly integrated, it’s clear that regressing to how things used to be is a dead end. The only way to increase your company’s revenue is to embrace new and innovative ways to engage prospects and close deals. A part of that is reimagining how content plays a role in your sales presentations. A slideshow alone may still be the gold standard, but it can grow beyond static images. This is why it’s become increasingly apparent that your company needs to start providing interactive content for your sales teams.
Sales enablement rests on the principle that the best way to close more deals and grow your bottom line and ROI is to provide your sales reps with the tools, resources, and support they need to deliver those results. That means removing as many obstacles as possible and giving them the room to move and succeed on the merit of their skills and expertise. The availability of your sales collateral should be the last worry on their minds. HeyBuddy understands that bridging the gap between your company’s vast content library and your sales reps’ ability to use those resources seamlessly is the best path to generating organic company growth.
Better Engagement Stems from Interaction
Preaching your brand’s message doesn’t carry the same effect nowadays as it used to. With the advent and sophistication of the cloud and the internet, prospects, clients, and customers have more access to a broader variety of information than ever before. This means that any conversations with a prospect aren’t starting at the first stage – most companies are already well along their buyer’s journey before ever consulting with one of your sales reps.
Sales strategies and tactics have been forced to change in light of this development over the past few decades. Sales focus isn’t necessarily to sell your product as a package deal anymore. Instead, you’re focusing your pitch on the buyer and how to enhance the engagement between your company and your buyer at every step of the sales process. Your sales collateral, one of the primary tools sales reps use to close deals, needs to reflect that perspective.
If you want to build a relationship with a client, you need to engage them, and engagement is best achieved by distributing interactive content. Interactive content is, plain and simple, any material that invites the user to interact with it. This type of content comes in many forms, such as:
- Gamification
- Interactive Video
- Assessments
- Calculators
- Webinars
- Polls, Surveys, and Quizzes
- Interactive Infographics
- And more
The average human’s attention span is incredibly short, usually tapping out at just over 8 seconds. Interaction promotes investment and immersion, allowing your brand to stand out and appeal to market leaders. When used throughout the sales cycle, these elements can play a massive role in generating more qualified leads while maintaining their interest in your company’s message.
Organic engagement by providing interactive content for your sales teams translates directly into more closed deals. HeyBuddy helps your sales reps distribute that content in a way that connects with a larger demographic of leads than any other competitor. If you’re interested in utilizing our services, call us at (610) 898-1330 or visit our website to learn more.