Incorporating sales workflow tools like HeyBuddy, is a convenient, accessible, cost-effective measure to see tangible results in as little time as possible.
From the moment you turn over your car in the morning, arrive at work, and get started on your daily load, you’ve entered the cycle of workflow. Workflow is, in most cases, defined in a series of three steps:
- Input
- Transformation
- Output
You receive a project, a prospect, a goal to achieve in an allotted amount of time. The bulk of the process is consumed by transformation, as your sales representatives strive to use their expertise, knowledge, and persistence to establish a connection with their prospects.
Finally, output is the final product, whether that’s through a sales pitch, presentation, or the closing of a deal. Sales workflow tools are used to optimize the process as a whole, enhancing your sales reps capabilities to effectively leverage resources for a better beginning, middle, and end.
You may choose, in the effort to improve employee workflow, to institute any manner of policies, practices, strategies, or management techniques. If you’re finding that, even with full days devoted to projects, you’re finding no further progress being made or results shown, taking the opportunity to outfit your sales teams with a mobile app designed to centralize, optimize, and focus workflow has long-reaching benefits.
The Core Workflow Obstacles
Achieving a viable, successful workflow ethic can vary between a smooth and a bumpy ride. Whenever it oscillates into the rough periods, where your teams seem to hit a brick wall and lose project momentum, that means something about your workflow is out of whack. This can derive from a number of issues, including:
- An emphasis on multitasking
- Disorganized presentations, files, and collaborative resources
- Over-working/burnout
- Lack of planning
- Procrastination
None of these are obstacles without cause. Everything has a source of non-compliance, where your workplace processes have encouraged unhealthy, ineffective methods for project completion. Just because your sales representatives are working more doesn’t mean they’re working smarter, and that distinction is a huge wrench in your workflow.
These are aspects of your employees’ working experience that will actively benefit from effective management techniques, rigid company care and consideration for individual health, and appropriate technological intervention. Streamlining the working process by identifying the inefficient behaviors within them allows your team leaders and executives to promote meaningful change designed to accommodate healthier, smarter practices.
Optimizing Workflow Through Technology
The right information at the right time. Structure collaboration and communication channels. Easily cross-shareable files, data, and presentations. We can go on, but the point is that effective workflow software like HeyBuddy influences how easily the transition into a smooth, uninterrupted workflow process can be. Rather than just expecting your sales teams to perfectly adapt to a whole new regime, HeyBuddy provides a framework that promotes smarter, more effective working standards through accessibility, versatility, and convenience.
Your sales teams will have everything they need at their fingertips, including real-time access to data, insights, and analysis straight from your CRM. That means less time inputting data and more time dedicated to catering a pitch to the exact expectations set by a prospect. Sales workflow tools are a phenomenal source for enabling productivity while promoting a better, more engaged workforce without being crushed under the weight of their own workload.
As sales workflow tools go, HeyBuddy features a whole new selection of affordable, customizable sales packages, helping us ensure your company gets exactly what you need without overpaying. If you’re interested in utilizing our services, call us at 610-898-1330 or visit our website to learn more.